Monday, March 9, 2015

Open Studio Tour.

Visit An Artist's Studio.

A corner in my studio.  You can see a couple torn paper portraits sitting above the canvases leaning against the wall.

There are wonderful surprises in store for you when you visit an artist's studio.  I encourage you to go out on an organized Studio Tour or schedule a private visit.  Artists love love love to share what they are doing.  Just get us started talking about our work and it may be difficult to get us to stop!

Small canvas prepped with Dick Blick's Indian Red.

You cannot imagine what you might see in an artist's studio. Ok, you can imagine, however you will see things you didn't expect.  

Attaching fibers to the canvas.

The other day a woman came to visit my studio and very shortly after she entered she walked over to a painted, torn piece of paper I had tucked behind a few blank canvases, exclaiming, "I love this! I want this!  What can you do with it?"  The 'this' she held was one of my Indian Women portraits, one that belonged to the group painted last spring in a fast and loose way, as a tool, to get me to loosen up a bit with the faces....perhaps you remember since I published a few blog posts during that process.  In the photos shown here you see my studio, the torn face paper and how I brought this to a completed art work.  

What the canvas looked like after the fibers were attached.  I used these to emulate the feel of materials used in basket making.

The portrait attached to the canvas.

Completed Dolores Patencio Portrait after addition of glazes and other detail work.

I encourage you to make sure you have art in your life, and one way to accomplish that is to visit an artist's studio.  You will be entertained, surprised and may even see something you cannot live without.

To contact me click HERE
To visit my web site click HERE

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